Bagwa Chung

Bagwa Walk
Through the correct practice of Bagwa Chung the practitioner will be able to develop the natural power within, as well as overall health and an advanced level of self defense ability. The practitioner learns to use his whole body in every movement. The body moves as light as feather but with a strength of a bear. By practicing the spiral and circular movements in Bagwa Chung, the body movements are flexible, resilient and elastic in nature with the ability to release strength or energy at any given moment.

One of the many forms taught in Bagwa Chung is Bagwa walk. The practitioner walks in circle holding various positions and executing changes in direction through short series of movements. Proper breathing is important in the development of internal strength and must be coordinated with the movements.

Bagwa Chung training develops strength and flexibility in the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and all internal organs. The respiratory, nervous, circulatory systems will function more efficiently. Bagwa Chung practice increases flexibility and strength in the spine, hips and properly aligns the skeletal structure. It improves mental clarity, increases self awareness, concentration and enhances the ability to focus. Practitioners develop a calm and relaxed mind and an increased level of mind and body unity. Bagwa Chung practice increases the flow of Qi through the acupuncture meridians to allow the body to heal and energize itself in order to reach its ultimate level of mental and physical health and harmony.

In the application of self defense Bagwa Chung movements allows the practitioner to be adaptable and evasive. The ability to cut in, spin out and redirect blows or energy is ideal for defending oneself against a skilled linear attacker as well as multiple attackers coming from any direction.

Bagwa Chung training is based on the principles of Ying Yang (Chinese) or Oom Yung (Korean) and is one of the highest forms of internal development taught at this level.

Oom Yung Doe Training

Taught by
National Association of Martial Art Educators
Accredited and Certified teachers.
School of Chung Moo Doe
(Oom Yung Doe)
For information on programs in Illinois, call

School of Chung Moo Doe
(Oom Yung Doe)
8 Martial Arts Explained
Double Sword Symbol

The right hand is a reminder to accept a good or right challenge in life.  The two swords stand
for balance and harmony.